By Nnaoke Ufere, PhD

In the depths of Nigeria’s profound suffering, a haunting silence reigned,
As echoes of injustice swelled, unchallenged and unrestrained.
Votes stolen and dreams shattered, yet no mass resistance emerged,
Fuel subsidy stripped away, leaving the people shocked and submerged.

With his imprudent devaluation of the Naira, mass suffering is on the rise,
From food to housing to medicine to fuel, prices reached the skies.
Yet, apathy blanketed the land, a collective slumber,
As the president’s oppressive policies unleashed suffering, a grievous blunder.

Our lives threatened, our dreams cast into the abyss,
But our heads remained buried in the sand, a willful remiss.
Our worth and humanity dismissed, disregarded, unseen,
Until horrendous suffering surged, awakening the serene.

In this moment, calamity knocks on our doors,
Urging action, a united voice it implores.
Nigerians, awaken from our dormant state,
Unite and strive for freedom, our destiny to shape.

Forces of change demand our resolute might,
Embrace unity, dispel the chains of tribe and religion that bind tight.
Our fate can be altered through collective endeavor,
Stand together, rise above ethnicity, and freedom shall unfetter.

So let our voices resound, with unwavering might,
For it is in action, true power takes flight.
With courage as our shield, we reclaim our rights,
And rescue the nation from darkness’ blights.

In the face of division, we stand together and strong,
Embrace the urgency, to right the countless wrongs.
We revive the spirit of unity that once defined our pride,
For in unity’s embrace, our humanity shall abide.

Nigerians, arise, break free from your sleep,
Ignite the fire within, let it burn, fierce and deep.
Be etched in history as those who dared to fight,
Restoring our humanity, with patriotism as our light.

No longer bound by apathy’s heavy chain,
March as one, our purpose clear and plain.
Through the streets we march, our voices resound,
Demanding change, a better world to be found.

In this moment of awakening, hope starts to bloom,
Courageous hearts dispel tribalism and gloom.
No longer bound by the president’s policy blunders,
Together we rise, breaking down the walls, united as sisters and brothers.

Finally, the drums beat, our hearts beat in harmony’s flow,
Triumphant voices rise, as we dance and sing in a jubilant show.
No longer oppressed and silenced, our spirits ablaze with might,
A symphony of change, reclaiming our nation and our humanity’s right.

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