Open Letter to President Tinubu, the Security Forces, and Leaders of the #EndBadGovernanceInNigeria Youth Protest

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By Nnaoke Ufere, PhD

Subject: Upholding the Constitutional Right to Peaceful Protest

Dear President Tinubu, Security Forces, and Leaders of the #EndBadGovernanceInNigeria Youth Protest,

I write to you at this critical juncture to address the upcoming nationwide protests organized by Nigerian youths on August 1st. These protests, under the banner of #EndBadGovernanceInNigeria, reflect the voices of countless citizens in Nigeria and in the diasporas who are demanding better governance, accountability, and transparency.

To President Tinubu and the Security Forces:

The right to peaceful assembly and protest is enshrined in the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Section 40 guarantees every Nigerian the freedom to assemble freely and associate with others. 

The planned national protests on August 1 are a legitimate exercise of this right. Therefore, the youths organizing this protest are exercising their democratic rights, and it is imperative that the government respects and upholds these rights.

History has demonstrated that using force to suppress dissent only breeds further discontent and can lead to unnecessary violence. The tragic events at Lekki Toll Gate during the #EndSARS protests are a stark reminder of this. 

Resorting to force undermines the principles of democracy and portrays the government as autocratic and authoritarian. Instead, I urge the government to engage with the protesters, listen to their grievances, and work towards addressing them constructively.

I call on the government to:

  1. Allow the peaceful protests to proceed without interference.
  2. Provide adequate security to protect the protesters.
  3. Engage in constructive dialogue with the protest leaders.
  4. Urgently address the grievances and demands of the protesters.

A government that listens to its citizens, addresses their grievances, and engages in constructive dialogue demonstrates true leadership. 

I call on you to ensure that the security forces exercise restraint and protect the rights of the protesters, rather than oppressing them. The use of excessive force is undemocratic and contrary to the spirit of the Nigerian Constitution.

To the Leaders of the #EndBadGovernanceInNigeria Youth Protest:

Your courage and determination to demand better governance are commendable. It is crucial that the protests remain peaceful and focused on the issues at hand. Avoid any actions that could be misconstrued as violent or unlawful. 

The success of your cause depends on maintaining the moral high ground and demonstrating that your demands are rooted in justice and democratic principles.

Encourage all participants to adhere to the guidelines for peaceful protest. Work with the authorities to ensure that the protests are orderly and that the rights of all citizens are respected.

My fellow Nigerians, this moment presents an opportunity for Nigeria to strengthen its democracy by allowing the voices of the youth to be heard without fear of retribution. I urge the government to act with wisdom and restraint, and I implore the protesters to remain peaceful and law-abiding.

Only through mutual respect and dialogue can we address the systemic issues that have long plagued our nation. Let us seize this moment to work towards a more just, transparent, and accountable Nigeria.

Yours sincerely,

Nnaoke Ufere

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