Ex-Governor Okezie Ikpeazu: Prosecution and Lifetime Incarceration if Found Guilty

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By The Editorial Board

The primary duty of an elected state governor is to serve the best interests of the people, rather than pursuing personal gains or favoring political cronies. Any deviation from this responsibility represents a betrayal of public trust and undermines the social contract between the governor and the electorate.

According to fiscal documents obtained from the state, a staggering N1.2 trillion ($2.8 billion based on the official average fixed exchange rate during the Buhari administration) was expended during Mr. Ikpeazu’s term from May 2015 to May 2023. Out of this substantial amount, over N600 billion ($1.4 billion) was allocated to Capital Expenditure, which included questionable projects given to dubious shell companies.

Regrettably, there is scant evidence to substantiate the utilization of such a substantial amount towards enhancing the deteriorating infrastructure and addressing the needs of the people in Abia state. This gives rise to a pertinent question: Where did the funds go?

There have been serious allegations that Mr. Ikpeazu and his associates have been involved in widespread corruption and the misappropriation of state funds. Additionally, they are accused of improperly exploiting and converting public assets for personal benefit.

He left the state treasury empty, leaving teachers and pensioners unpaid for months. Furthermore, the state’s infrastructure deteriorated under his watch.

Despite our attempts to seek comments from Mr. Ikpeazu, we have not received any response.

The serious accusation against Mr. Ikpeazu revolves around the stealing of millions of government funds for personal gain, including funds meant for teachers, pensioners, state employees, as well as the construction of roads, schools, hospitals, flood control systems, and waste management projects in major cities within the state. 

The nonpayment of funds to teachers, pensioners and state employees resulted in thousands of untimely deaths of despair for which Ikpeazu must be held accountable.

Instead of serving the people who entrusted him with power, it is alleged that Mr. Ikpeazu enriched himself, his family, and his friends. If found guilty, he should be imprisoned and forced to repay, with interest, all the stolen money.

Furthermore, he should be required to relinquish all unlawfully acquired land and properties. Additionally, all other hidden assets associated with him should be traced and confiscated, while his family and associates should also face criminal charges.

We emphasize that Mr. Ikpeazu is to be presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, as per the penal code of Abia state. However, the evidence presented against him is compelling and incriminating in nature.

In the event of a conviction, it is highly probable that Mr. Ikpeazu would face a substantial prison sentence, potentially resulting in him spending the remainder of his life behind bars.

Our demand for a thorough investigation and aggressive prosecution is supported by a recent survey among Abians, revealing widespread belief that Mr. Ikpeazu and his cronies were deeply involved in corruption and treated the state treasury as their personal piggy bank. It is unsurprising that 80% of respondents expressed a desire to see him imprisoned if found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

Confidential insiders from his administration, speaking under anonymity out of concern for potential retaliation, assert that Mr. Ikpeazu accumulated substantial personal wealth during his tenure as governor through the improper allocation of state funds. These funds were awarded as contracts to shell companies, where either Mr. Ikpeazu himself or a member of his family or a friend is the beneficial owner.

Through these alleged criminal acts, the former governor has once again shown contempt for the rule of law, disregard for the people’s welfare, and mockery of his constitutional duties.

The deliberate misconduct in question should deeply concern all Abia state residents. It is unimaginable for another Abian to engage in similar wrongdoing without facing legal consequences.

Failure to charge Ikpeazu based on these facts would blatantly disregard the rule of law and indict Governor Alex Otti’s lack of oversight and a major failure to keep his campaign promise to root out corruption in the state government.

Although there was hope when Governor Otti expressed intentions to investigate the ex-governor, no concrete public statements have been made regarding the investigation’s date, scope, nature, prosecutor and approach.

Choosing not to prosecute Ikpeazu reinforces the established pattern of concealing criminal behavior of previous administrations. The track record of bad governance in Abia state serves as evidence that if the newly elected governor fails to address the alleged corruption by his predecessor, his administration will inevitably become equally or even more corrupt.

Failing to prosecute Ikpeazu and his associates would normalize embezzlement as an accepted standard within the state government.

Consequently, we call for a comprehensive criminal investigation, tracking the flow of funds for all projects and payments made to individuals and entities within and outside the state. A thorough investigation should be conducted into every company that has been granted a contract and received payment from the state, with a focus on identifying the true beneficial owners.

Furthermore, it is imperative to conduct a thorough forensic investigation to trace the ownership of all land deals and developed properties that have been registered with both the state and federal government. This process is necessary to identify the ultimate beneficiaries and ensure transparency and accountability.

For this reason, Governor Otti must waste no time in referring the case to an independent judicial panel to investigate his predecessor and ensure that justice is served if the evidence supports the allegations, as Abians believe it will.

All Abians and Nigerians who uphold the principles of the rule of law and justice stand united with the Abia state government in addressing the serious crimes allegedly committed by the former governor and his accomplices.

In a recent media interview, Mr. Ikpeazu boasted about his supposed achievements, claiming significant infrastructure development in Aba and various parts of the state. He mentioned the construction of 750 school blocks and the employment of over 10,000 individuals. He also asserted that Abia was the most secure state, highlighting his administration’s focus on security and infrastructure. 

Furthermore, he referred to a facility valued at more than $50 million, which he stated would enable his successor to commence road construction endeavors at a significantly reduced interest rate. He highlighted the construction of the Osisioma Flyover in Aba as part of his legacy. Considering the achievements he claims, Mr. Ikpeazu should have an opportunity to present his case in court.

And in the spirit of fairness, the Otti administration must ensure that the investigation remains free from political influence. It should refrain from weaponizing its investigative powers against political adversaries solely for the purpose of seeking revenge for past electoral defeats. This approach can set a dangerous precedent and must be avoided, despite the natural inclination to demonize opponents. The rule of law must be upheld impartially, without partisan bias or personal vendettas.

Therefore, it is crucial that Mr. Ikpeazu, as a former governor, is treated neither preferentially nor unfairly in comparison to the ordinary citizens of Abia or his fellow politicians. Any other decision would unfortunately perpetuate the notion that politicians stand above the law and imply a quasi-royal status for governors and politicians. Abia state is not a monarchy.

We are aware that Mr. Ikpeazu is already attempting to rally his supporters and discredit any investigation as a political witch hunt. Moreover, following the pattern set by past Abia governors like Orji Uzor Kalu, it is possible that he will seek protection within the sheltered embrace of the APC party by becoming a member. However, such efforts will not succeed. Since departing from the governorship and suffering defeat in the senatorial contest, his impact has experienced a notable decline. He’s not an asset for the APC.

Therefore, this investigation is crucial in reaffirming the principle that no one, especially not a political leader, is above the law. Failure to investigate and pursue such a case would only increase the likelihood of future abuses of power. It was the state government’s failure to prosecute Orji Uzor Kalu when he left office that paved the way for, empowered, and reinforced Mr. Ikpeazu’s alleged criminal wrongdoings.

In conclusion, it is essential to ensure that Mr. Ikpeazu is held accountable for the alleged acts of misconduct during his tenure as governor, including the embezzlement of state funds and the personal gain derived from the misappropriation of public land and developed properties. Holding him accountable is crucial not only for the thousands of Abians who tragically lost their lives due to the consequences of his governance malpractices, but also for upholding the rule of law in Abia and the nation as a whole.

It is time for the wheels of justice to begin turning. Ikpeazu’s audacious misconduct requires thorough investigation, prosecution and punishment, if guilty.

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