Nigeria’s Survival Depends on Banishing the Psychopaths and Criminals from Power, Politics And Governance

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By Nnaoke Ufere, PhD

For Nigeria to truly flourish as a democratic nation, it must shatter the shackles of tyranny and liberate itself from the deadly grip of ruthless psychopaths and heinous criminals who have systematically hijacked, corrupted, and plundered its political and economic institutions for far too long. 

Only by decisively dismantling and banishing the current kleptocracy can the nation unlock its full potential, achieving unity, security, equity, and inclusive prosperity. This transformation will usher in a new era of hope, justice, and peace for all its citizens.

Meaningful progress will remain elusive despite efforts to build robust institutions, implement effective restructuring, or strengthen democracy, as long as the entrenched grip of perennial psychopaths and criminals, along with their self-serving crony networks, continues to strangle politics and the economy. This perpetuates a toxic cycle of corruption and exploitation, hindering any genuine advancement.

For far too long, these miscreants have shamelessly prioritized their own selfish interests, perpetuating a culture of impunity. Their unchecked looting of public resources and abuse of power has widened the gap between the rich and the poor, causing millions of Nigerians to suffer while a select few continue to amass wealth at the nation’s expense. They leave behind a trail of devastation, despair, and death.

Since gaining independence and becoming a republic in 1963, Nigeria has had 14 individuals hold the office of head of state under various titles. However, a disturbing trend emerges when examining the leadership performance of these individuals and the trajectory of the country. 

A staggering 10 out of 14 heads of state, including the current 16th head of state (with Obasanjo and Buhari serving twice), have been accused of exhibiting psychopathic tendencies and committing serious crimes, as documented by both national and international crime intelligence agencies, legal experts and political historians.

Under their administrations, significant harm has been inflicted on citizens through acts of omission or commission. The nation’s wealth has been plundered, crude oil theft has been rampant, and the economy has been mismanaged. Allegations have surfaced of extrajudicial killings, and financing of terrorists, bandits, and kidnappers, along with gross mismanagement of national resources.

During the tenure of these 10 heads of state, over $569 billion has been looted from the public treasury, according to reliable sources such as Chatham House, The Economist, a former World Bank official, international financial crime agencies, and extensive research. This colossal theft has significantly impeded Nigeria’s development and prosperity.

This staggering figure encompasses a wide range of corrupt practices, including government procurement fraud, pervasive embezzlement of public funds, large-scale oil theft, looting of state coffers, under-reporting of tax revenues, misappropriation of public pension funds, siphoning of fuel subsidies into private accounts, diverting arms deal funds to personal accounts, undervaluation of privatized government-owned enterprises, and gross mismanagement of public assets. 

The problem extends beyond the presidency. Numerous bad actors have served, or are currently serving, as state governors, members of the National Assembly, judges, ministers, and heads of government-owned enterprises and agencies.

Here’s the good news: A comprehensive list of known criminals and their alleged crimes has been meticulously compiled. This list includes past and present presidents, National Assembly members, cabinet members, judges, agency heads, state governors, and federal, state and local government officials. 

Local and international experts who have reviewed the data find it credible, and the findings will shock the public’s conscience. Ultimately, it is the responsibility of the Nigerian courts to determine guilt and administer appropriate punishment.

Even better news: These crimes do not have an expiration date; there is no statute of limitations. These criminals can run, but they can’t hide. Paraphrasing Martin Luther King Jr., the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice. 

But justice can only be served if, in 2027, we elect a courageous president who is neither a member of these psychopaths and criminals nor susceptible to corruption. Such a leader will have the integrity and determination to drain the cesspool of corruption and ensure these criminals face justice. It’s time to put an end to decades of impunity and pave the way for a brighter, more just Nigeria.

Despite knowing who the top offenders are, this massive theft has gone unpunished, with no prosecutions of these individuals.

According to a reliable international financial crimes investigative report, numerous current and former Nigerian officials have been found with secret bank accounts in offshore havens, alleged to hold significant sums of money.

Recent disclosures from the Panama Papers, along with new information about other offshore accounts, include names of individuals aspiring to lead Nigeria in 2027. These revelations, once made public, are expected to have a significant impact on Nigerians.

We cannot entrust the task of addressing injustice and criminality to those who perpetuate it. Neither the current administration, the National Assembly, nor state governors can be relied upon. This also includes any candidate emerging from Nigeria’s corrupt political cesspool, such as the current president, former governors, and any ex-vice president. 

Specifically, we can’t count on President Tinubu and his party or any future president from any of the established, corrupt parties to voluntarily take action against their likes. There is honor among psychopaths and criminals, a code of silence that protects their own at the expense of justice and the nation’s well-being.

Also, we cannot rely on a corrupt and compromised judiciary that lets criminals roam free based on technicalities bought with money, nor on an EFCC populated with tribal and religious fanatics, partisans, and criminal elements to achieve this.

However, we the people have the power to demand total justice, to stand up to their tyranny, and to reclaim our nation. We have the power to revolt against them, vote them out, to protest their injustices, and to build a better future for ourselves and our children. We have the power to break free from their shackles and to create a society that is just, equitable, and prosperous for all.

The Great Purge Is Inevitable

If we are wise enough and avoid falling into the traps of tribal and religious manipulation or being swayed by monetary payouts, we can elect a president and National Assembly members committed to ensuring the prosecution of these criminals.

The first step in holding these psychopaths and criminals accountable for their heinous crimes, both in and out of office, is to amend the immunity clause in the Nigerian Constitution. The amendment should allow for the investigation and prosecution of these leaders without delay, preventing the immunity provision from being used to shield illegal activities.

The current clause has protected corrupt leaders from facing justice, allowing them to continue their malpractices without fear of consequences. Reforming this clause is crucial for fostering a transparent and accountable government, restoring public trust, and promoting the rule of law in Nigeria.

The second step is to establish an independent Special Purpose Tribunal (SPT) to investigate and prosecute these crimes fairly, without regard to tribe, religion, or status. Those found guilty must be held accountable for their crimes, and the stolen funds must be recovered and returned to the people. The SPT’s rulings should be final and not subject to appeal to any other court.

Finally, we must reform our political system to bar psychopaths and criminals from holding power. This requires a comprehensive overhaul, including rigorous vetting, background checks, and psychological evaluations of candidates to prevent those with a history of unethical behavior or criminal activity from running for office. This scrutiny should extend to individuals with secret offshore accounts in tax havens.

By implementing these measures, we can create a political system that prioritizes integrity, accountability, and the public interest, and prevents those who would seek to exploit and harm others from ever holding power again.

In summary, Nigeria has been plagued by psychopathy and heinous crimes for far too long. The future of our nation hangs in the balance, and it is imperative that we take decisive action to purge these evildoers from our political and economic systems.

We must strive to do better.

We owe it to ourselves, our children, and future generations to create a society where justice prevails and wrongdoing is punished. Let us unite to build a Nigeria where goodness is the norm and justice is the foundation of our society. The future of our nation depends on our collective resolve to make this vision a reality.

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