History warns us of the dangers posed by despotic leaders who resort to appeals of patriotism to quell dissent and perpetuate their autocratic rule.
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The path to transforming Nigeria into a formidable economic powerhouse is through solid internal transformation, not just external engagements.
Together, we are unstoppable.
If Obi rejoins the PDP, compromising his values and brand, he may end up losing everything.
30% of Naira Notes in circulation are fake. Who are the counterfeiters?
This mindset that equates lighter skin with superiority, a relic of the colonial era, is misaligned with the contemporary values of Nigeria and the broader African continent. Black is Beautiful.
The myths embraced by the Igbo community, though stemming from a deep sense of ethnic pride, lack a foundation in reality and tend to disintegrate under close scrutiny.
These are the fellows who sprint to the finish line during sex in less than one minute, faster than you can say, "Wait, what just happened?"