Sleeping With His Enemy: Will Peter Obi Betray ‘Obedients’ To Rejoin The PDP?

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The recent statement by Pat Utomi (see Vanguard online publication of Jan 16) suggesting Peter Obi’s potential alliance with the PDP and NNPP raises serious questions about his political integrity and strategic reasoning. 

Given Utomi’s position within the inner circle of the Labour Party, his statements should be considered with due seriousness. Obi has yet to issue a denial regarding this matter on his social media platforms, and he has not returned our call. Nevertheless, sources within the Labour Party, requesting anonymity, have corroborated the breaking story.

The core of the PDP remains consistent – what it was yesterday, it is today, and will be tomorrow. If the core is fundamentally flawed and rotten, it will continue to be so, even with Obi’s involvement.

If confirmed, Obi seems to be just like the rest – a transactional politician, ready to sacrifice his principles and betray his claimed beliefs and political ideology, indulging in self-serving opportunism.

Should it be verified, this “coalition of losers” would starkly contradict Obi’s previous stance and message to his supporters, where he positioned himself as distinct from the political corruption associated with the PDP and APC.

Should Obi align with the PDP, he would epitomize the art of deception. He has led astray many Nigerians, particularly his ardent followers known as the “Obidients”, who were convinced by his claim of being a distinct breed. Indeed, party-switching is common among Nigerian politicians, but Obi set himself apart, leading many to believe he was cut from a different cloth.

This move, if consummated, will certainly raise questions about his decision-making and cast a dark shadow on his ill-fated decision to leave the PDP in the first place for the Labour Party, especially considering the PDP’s strong positioning against the APC in the last election. 

If Obi is under the illusion that PDP supporters will overlook and forgive his role in their loss of the 2023 presidency, he is indeed living in a delusion. Ultimately, he will pay a political price. Sleeping with your enemy can be dangerous.

Since his defeat as a candidate of the Labour Party, there existed a perception that he will compromise his dignity and integrity, assuming he possessed these qualities, in his pursuit of the presidency. This perception could now be turning into a reality. How unfortunate.

However, this unholy coalition of the defeated, the very “forces of darkness” he once advised his supporters to steer clear of, indicates that his motivations for running for president in 2023 were not rooted in deep ideological principles but were primarily focused on his personal ambition to ascend to the presidency, using the Labour Party as a mere stepping stone.

Many Nigerians are insightful enough to recognize this as a form of political prostitution and opportunism, which have long been a cornerstone of political corruption in the country. This approach has had clearly negative impacts on the nation’s democracy, where frequent party hopping by politicians reveals a lack of ideological conviction and lack of accountability to the Nigerian people.

Of course, ideological conviction is crucial for maintaining trust with voters, an important aspect of democratic integrity, ensuring consistent policymaking, and achieving lasting impact. Politicians lacking this may struggle with credibility, effectiveness, and voter support, no matter which party they jump to.

This development, if confirmed, could imply that Obi’s much-touted ‘new politics’ was merely a façade, a big lie. Such a maneuver will feel like a betrayal to the over 6 million Nigerians who voted for him, believing in his promise of a different political approach, free from the usual political machinations, corruption and personal blind ambition that fueled his opponents in the 2023 presidential election. 

If Obi indeed takes this self-centered turn, it may mark a significant decline in his political career. In fact, it’s not even the beginning of the end, it is the end of the beginning for him politically. Who will trust him? Who will vote for him?

His primary political appeal and the reason many voters were drawn to him stemmed from his assertion of being distinct from Tinubu and Atiku, along with their associated corrupt political ideologies. This was his only competitive advantage.

Following Utomi’s revelation, there’s a growing sentiment among Nigerians questioning who can still trust a man who, driven by blind ambition, seemingly abandoned his “Obedient” followers, leaving them in a precarious position of disillusionment. If Obi makes the monumental mistake, the trust he once enjoyed, notably from the youth and professionals who voted for him, will be irretrievably lost.

If this transaction is true, then Obi turned out not to be the change he had led Nigerians to believe in; instead, he is part of the very quagmire, the cesspool of political corruption he had once convincingly led many unsuspecting Nigerians to think he stood against. 

It’s no surprise that a quick online survey since Pat Utomi broke the news involving 1500 of Nigerians who self-identified as voting for Obi in 2023 reveals a deep sense of betrayal and disappointment, indicating that many see him as reneging on his principles and thus untrustworthy.

Again, if true, and we have no reason to doubt Pat Utomi, it will seem that Obi might not be taking lessons from his past experiences with the PDP. The adage ‘once bitten, twice shy’ doesn’t seem to resonate with him. Aligning with such a coalition could lead to his exploitation for short-term advantages, followed by abandonment, much like a disposable, soiled diaper. 

This potentially self-defeating move, if he implements it, will significantly damage his political reputation and estrange the supporters who were once inspired by his promise of change and reform. Only an unwise parasite destroys its host.

If Obi rejoins the PDP, compromising his values and brand, he may end up losing everything.

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